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Hypnosis - Past Life Regression

Offered by Lu Camy

How it works: 
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. In hypnosis, we relax the critical factor of the mind through extraordinary mental and physical relaxation. By lowering our defensive mechanisms, we become able to access our problem-solving intelligence – the deep mind – which is the inner source of wisdom and creativity.
Transformation happens in the subconscious mind, which is the ‘feeling mind’. Over our lifetimes the subconscious mind has recorded either positive or negative beliefs - self-thoughts. Those beliefs create emotions and emotions drive our behaviors. In Hypnosis, we reverse old conditioning and reprogram the subconscious mind to create positive change.

Past Life Regression:
A past life exploration is a useful tool to overcome anxieties and fears, deal with everyday concerns, improve relationships, and discover your life's purpose. It is a unique journey that helps release unnecessary patterns and old conditioning of the mind. 

Life Coaching

In my coaching program, I combine different modalities to help my clients create lasting change. I use hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, energy healing, and my intuitive gifts to guide them into a process of embodying their soul's purpose. 


The Pillars

Embody Your Soul's Calling

- Identify your passions, hidden talents, and strengths and optimize their use in moving toward a Life Purpose that brings you a sense of fulfillment.

Unlock Your Creative Potential

- Gain tools to tap into your creative intelligence and inner wisdom. Move beyond fear and expand your sense of what is possible.

Manifest Your Heart's Desires

- Create a clear vision of what you are moving toward and identify manageable steps to manifest this vision.


The Process


Regression Hypnosis – A tool for trauma recovery

In Regression Hypnosis we work on healing and completing the past. By deepening the emotional component that lies beneath behavior patterns, we break repetitive cycles that prevent growth and expansion.


Dream Exploration  – Tap into your own intuition  

Dream exploration provides us the opportunity to expand our intuition and embody our deepest truth. By deepening the many aspects of our dreams we build the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Dream’s wisdom guides us in making better decisions and in improving the quality of our lives. 


Inner Child Work –  Unlock your creative self

The Inner Child is that natural sense of playfulness and inner grace that has been suppressed in the adult self. Through creative practices, we explore the different ways in which you can bring into form your creative potential and nurture the child within.


Past Life exploration – Recalling previous lives

Past life exploration is a useful tool to overcome anxieties and fears, deal with everyday concerns, improve relationships, and find your life’s purpose. 


Life’s Purpose Quest  –  Explore your hidden treasures   

When we release old conditioning and limiting beliefs we begin to live a more authentic life. This journey will create space for you to make the best use of your natural skills and talents in the process of your own growth and expansion. 


Achieve Special Goals –  Reprogram your subconscious mind

I have helped many people in their healing process and I am here to help you achieve your sacred goal. By tapping into your own inner resources you become the co-creator of your life’s journey. Learn powerful tools of self-transformation, such as self-hypnosis, neuro-linguistics programming, and others. 

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